20 Easy Ways To Feel Good (Or Better) In Minutes


Positive thoughts attract positive things (including positive situations and positive people). Abraham-Hicks and other teachers of the Law of Attraction – that which is liken unto itself is drawn – explain that positive thoughts generate positive vibrations, which create positive attractions and therefore draw positive things into your life. It’s said that your emotions indicate what you’re attracting. So when you’re feeling good, you’re attracting good! That is a very brief summary of how you and I and everyone else are individually creating our own reality.



So, basically, all we have to do is (find ways to) feel good! Sounds easy, but it’s often challenging. You see, most of us still have current negative manifestations going on, which (according to the Law of Attraction) are caused by past negative thoughts. But as soon as we start changing our mindset – beginning to think more and more positive; less and less negative – our attraction pattern will gradually shift accordingly, which soon will be reflected in a more positive life experience!



If you’re practicing both constructive and destructive beliefs right now, you’re still experiencing a mix of both positive and negative manifestations in your life. Some events cause you to feel good and some others cause you to feel bad (or less good) to a certain degree. And even if you have managed to reach the tipping point of mainly feeling good, someone could still push your buttons (like when you’re being treated badly, from your perspective) or something could stir your emotions (like when you see injustice done, from your viewpoint).



How you’re feeling indicates what you’re vibrating and attracting — something that will give you that same emotion!



When you’re influenced by any seemingly ‘negative’ event (by giving attention to it and/or feeling negative about it), this will probably lower your vibration. I’ve stopped watching TV news or reading newspapers for this reason, consuming much less mainstream media compared to most. I’m mostly looking for uplifting content (although I do enjoy a good action movie or detective series). But even when you tend to focus on positive things (and feel good about those), you’re not alone on this planet; you can’t always avoid some outside influence.



The attention of others to ‘negative’ situations can guide your own thoughts towards it, so be careful how you handle it. When arriving at work one morning, my colleagues talked about a major terror attack (in a city close to ours) that caused many victims. My associates were looking at photos on news sites while discussing it. In social gatherings, it can be hard to completely ignore such a conversation. To make a constructive contribution, I said: “This is an incident. It’s good keep calm and remain positive.” A comment that was received well.



Things that happen to yourself — and your loved ones or close friends — obviously have the most impact. But even when you’re on a service line for 15 minutes, only to hear that they cannot help you with your issue (to give a harmless example), depending on your mood you may have to find ways to keep your patience and maintain your attitude. You want to keep thinking positive, thus keep feeling good (or as good as you can), as how you’re feeling indicates what you’re vibrating and attracting — something that will give you that same emotion!



Positive feelings result in positive manifestations



A great habit is to monitor how you feel (as often as possible), so you can adjust your emotional course immediately by stimulating different thoughts. In their excellent work Ask And It Is Given, the spiritual collective Abraham (voiced by Esther Hicks) presents the following emotional scale. Notice that these feelings are ranked from the highest to the lowest emotion (hence vibration; frequency; energy) and, again, that they’re reflections of thoughts — thoughts by which you’re creating everything in our life, based on the Law of Attraction:



Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation


Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness

Positive Expectation / Belief






Frustration / Irritation / Impatience









Hatred / Rage


Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness

Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair / Powerlessness



The higher your emotional position; the higher your vibrational frequency; the better your attraction point. When you feel joy, love & appreciation, even just minutes a day, you’re on the right track to manifesting your desires! Contentment seems like a neutral emotion between positive and negative, likely to maintain your status quo. However, standing still doesn’t feel like progression; more like stagnation (which feels slightly negative). To advance, you want to keep your average emotional state above Contentment.



Now you know why to make feeling good your number 1 goal, you may ask: what can I do when I feel bad? What if (I’ve thought negative and therefore) something happened to me that I don’t want? Or if something happened to another person, or around me, that I don’t want (even though I didn’t cause that)? It doesn’t even have to be a life-threatening situation; it can be wanting a job to feed a family and seeing limited vacancies in (what appears to be) a challenging economy. How to get rid of negative emotion?



A small move up on the emotional scale has a huge positive impact on your vibrational attraction



Anytime you’re feeling bad to whatever degree, go find a way to feel good or to feel better – feel as much relief as you can, from where you are. Even a small move up on the emotional scale has a huge positive impact on your vibrational attraction! We’ve listed 20 easy ways to feel good (or better) in minutes, most of which you can apply anytime & anywhere. Do you love to feel good or better, and experience a good or better life? You’ll receive 3 of the 20 chapters as a free welcome gift when you sign up for the free newsletter.



Image: Yin yang symbol (credit: Flickr / Nicolas Raymond)


Author: Thomas Giger

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of LIFEiLOVEIT™ – Inspiration & resources to live the life you love! Working in broadcasting for over two decades, Thomas realized that his actual purpose in life is transmitting positivity. He founded www.lifeiloveit.com to share what he's learned about personal development and collective consciousness with the world. Sign up for the free newsletter.

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