Get Up On The Right Side Of The Bed



I’m sure you’ve had the experience. You got up on the wrong side of the bed, as they say, and then everything else during the day seemed to go wrong as well. Like Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. I believe that Murphy’s Law is nothing but the Law of Attraction in action (working in your disadvantage), and that you can have a positive influence on how your day unfolds by thinking positive thoughts, making the Law of Attraction work in your advantage!



The Law of Attraction – like attracts like – is said to cause, among other things, that any thought quickly leads you to a new thought that matches the essence of the preceding one, and reinforces it. Then the new thought attracts another thought in the same way. This continues as long as you keep thinking compatible thoughts. That’s why it’s meaningful to think the right thoughts; to think of what you want (and not of what you don’t want). So think positive (and not negative).



The first reason why you want to think positive thoughts is they result in good feelings, which in itself is nice. You’ll notice that when you have stress, caused by a focus on things that you don’t want (‘Damn, I’m late for work again’), you will feel relief as soon as you give yourself (and others) a break. You want to keep track of how you feel, and make sure you feel good. If you don’t feel good, think about things that please you (‘Oh, what a nice evening yesterday’).



What we are living today is the balance of our thoughts



The second reason why you want to reach for positive thoughts (which, again, are thoughts about things you want, such as positive aspects or positive expectations) is that while you’re thinking these good-feeling thoughts, you’re transmitting good-feeling vibrations. The spiritual Teachings of Abraham, shared by Jerry & Esther Hicks in Ask And It Is Given, explain that we live in a universe of thought, energy and vibration. The scientific view of Einstein was that:



“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”




“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

— Albert Einstein



The messages of Abraham-Hicks and theories of Einstein (and many other spiritual teachers, logical scientists, and philosophical writers) make us understand that everything is energy; everything is vibration. We all seem to emit our own ground vibration or basic energy (during every awaken moment of every day). This overall vibration — indicated by how we overall feel — is a mixture of our (past and current) thoughts, which for most people consists of positive and negative ones.



The Teachings of Abraham say that, through the universal Law of Attraction, you create your life experience by what you are thinking; Napoleon Hill wrote in Think And Grow Rich that ‘thoughts are things’; Earl Nightingale said it in The Strangest Secret that “we become what we think about”. It means that what we are living today, both in general and about every individual subject, is the balance of our (positive vs. negative) thoughts up until now. Hence the evident need for positive thinking.



Think positively forward, not negatively backward



According to Abraham-Hicks, there’s only one moment when we’re not vibrating; not creating, and that’s when we’re sleeping. As long as we sleep — even when we dream — there is no attraction. Dreams, they say, do not create, but predict your future. Dreams tell us what’s down the road (so we can change what’s being attracted when necessary). We can adjust our future experience when we adjust our thinking. Can you guess why every morning is a golden opportunity?



You have a chance to start your day with a (more) positive momentum. Instead of thinking: ‘oohh nooo, I’m sooo tired. I hate going to this boring office and terrible job again, and it’s raining outside!’, tell yourself a positive story. ‘I’m happy to wake up healthy, as refreshed as I can possibly be now, and I’m looking forward to going to bed early tonight. I know that, with my positive attitude, my job situation will change for the better soon. This rainy day is a great one to stay inside, and get a lot of work done.’



It’s also key to think positively forward, and not negatively backward. Think: ’It will be nice to lunch with Debbie this afternoon. I’m looking forward to seeing her again’, and do not think: ‘What a terrible joke Peter pulled with me yesterday in front of all my colleagues. I’m worrying about he’s going to do today’. Instead, think: ‘I must have been thinking; vibrating; creating something that caused Peter to do this. I create my life, so I am 100% responsible. Peter, I forgive you, and I send you and all colleagues positive thoughts.’



You do have creative power!



When you’re happy with certain things in your life, you want to feel grateful for that (‘Thank you for all the good things in my life, including my loving family’) and expand it (‘and I’m looking forward to meeting other loving, kind, positive, honest and cooperative people while I live my life on this day, and on following days’). Soon, you will not only think, but also feel even more grateful and feel even more positive expectation. In that very moment, you are attracting it.



If you’re unhappy about some parts of your existence, you want to imagine a desired scenario regarding it. First, get in an overall positive thinking state (‘Thank you for all the good things in my life, including my loyal friends’). Then, for example, think: ‘Many people already like me. I get along with people. I am a wonderful person. I can contribute a lot. I am looking forward to creating a harmonious and cooperative situation at work. It will feel wonderful.’ (Actually try to feel that.)



When you’re visually oriented, you might also see a movie of this desired situation in front of you, which is good. Most important, however, is that you already feel now how you will feel later when you will be in your desired position, such as a balanced and supportive atmosphere at work. Even if you (over a couple of days) ‘just’ move from a feeling of pessimism to a feeling of optimism, positive changes are coming soon (or are already happening). You do have creative power!



All you need to start is 4 minutes



When you wake up in the morning, you have a chance to improve your life by improving your thoughts (indicted by your emotions). So whatever happened yesterday (and the days before yesterday), tell yourself that today is a new day. Create a new habit where you, immediately after waking up, stay in bed for a few minutes to first think of what you appreciate and then think of what you desire (where you fill your mind with what you want, not with what you don’t want).



Think: ‘It will be nice to have a harmonious and cooperative environment at work’, and not: ‘I want that Peter stops mocking me and stops embarrassing me in front of all my colleagues!’ (unless you want more teases and public humiliation). Get out of the victim role. Stop repeating what you don’t want; start telling what you do want (to use the Law of Attraction constructively), and focus on positive thoughts long enough to be effective (at least 4 x 17 = 68 seconds, according to Abraham-Hicks).



Start a new morning habit. As soon as you wake up, think (and feel good) for 2 minutes about what you appreciate, and then think (and feel good) for 2 minutes about what you desire. Then get up on the right side of the bed. Get up with a positive intention to look for more things to appreciate as your day unfolds. All you need to start is 4 minutes of positive thinking. Make this a morning habit, and soon you’ll be one of the successful people who see that anything that can go right, will go right!



Image: Woman sleeping in her bed (credit: Flickr / Tobias S)


Author: Thomas Giger

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of LIFEiLOVEIT™ – Inspiration & resources to live the life you love! Working in broadcasting for over two decades, Thomas realized that his actual purpose in life is transmitting positivity. He founded to share what he's learned about personal development and collective consciousness with the world. Sign up for the free newsletter.

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