Being Honest & Doing Good Pays Off



On a recent weekend day, I went hiking in the woods for a whole afternoon, a great way to relax after a busy week. I had enjoyed a home-made green smoothie and some fresh organic fruit along the way, but after walking for 6 hours, both my backpack and my stomach were empty. About 30 minutes from home, I decided to allow myself to be lazy and order pizza for dinner. You’ve got to enjoy life, right?



Just minutes after putting off my shoes, the doorbell rang and a fresh Vegetariana (my favorite right now) was handed over. The bill was € 8,50, so I gave the courier two € 5 notes. He gave me € 10 back. Which would mean: free pizza! (Now, I love receiving gifts, but they have to feel good. And it wouldn’t feel good to me knowing that this fellow might get in trouble at work because of this.)



Naturally, I said: “Thank you, but you just gave me € 10, while I should be the one giving you € 10, hahaha”. The good man was speechless for a second, then got it and said: “you’re right!”. Maybe he thought that I had given him € 20? Anyways, he gave me € 1 back, and looked for the final 50 cents in his pockets. “Oh, no, that’s allright”, I said with a smile, and wished him a nice evening.



Feeling good is the magic key to positive manifestation



I switched on my TV, jumped on my couch, and opened my pizza box. Six humongous slices where staring at me. Yummy! The veggie smelled awesome, and it tasted fabulous. Hanging in front of the tube, I thought: ‘Thank you for this delicious food in my comfortable home. It feels wonderful! This is exactly what I wanted after this long walk!’ Notice how good it feels when you reward yourself for an achievement?



Then my thoughts went to what happened a few minutes ago. It was an authentic interaction with a hardworking person who goes from door to door for a whole day to provide service. It made me consciously appreciate how ‘easy’ I’m earning my money. After this moment of gratitude, I thought: ‘Yeah, that was good of me’. It felt good. It was a nice experience (even if honesty is what I consider to be normal).



As a result of contemplating this ‘right thing to do’, I felt positive about myself. And in that second, I got the idea for this post! I realized that by doing a simple thing, like being fair (which comes natural), you always have a great reason to feel good about yourself. Feeling positive is available free – all it takes is thinking positive – yet really priceless. Feeling good is the magic key to positive manifestation.



It’s really true that ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’



The first benefit of doing good for others – apart from adding to their lives – is that you will (soon begin to) receive good from others. Why? Because you will (quickly start to) attract something equal or similar into your life. I personally believe that anything you do to or for another, you (eventually) do to or for yourself. If you hurt others, others will hurt you. When you’re being good for others, others will be good for you.



Some explain this from a standpoint of karma (within the same life), I see this from a perspective of the Law of Attraction. When you do bad things to others (following bad thoughts & feelings towards them), you’re emitting that vibration; attracting the essence of your action/intention into your own existence! When you do good things for (and think & feel positive about) others, you’re drawing the essence of that into your own life.



I’m applying these principles for a few months now, receiving growing evidence to back up the Law of Attraction. I’ve experienced results of the positive versus the negative application. Since I do consciously practice positive thinking and deliberately find positive aspects in everything happening around me, everything in my life (from work situation to personal relations) is getting better and better! It’s really true that ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’.



Change your thinking – including your thinking about you!



The second gain of treating others well, is that you will (soon begin to) think positive about yourself and feel good about being successful. This is key!! What you feel says what you’re attracting. Many people suffer from an unnecessarily feeling of unworthiness, which cuts off their happiness. Any negative self-talk (like thinking ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I don’t deserve this’) is an action of self-sabotage – and a powerful one!



Feeling incapable or unworthy keeps you away from wonderful experiences, from approaching/dating a beautiful person to requesting/receiving a salary raise. I would love for you to feel that you deserve success, and know that you have potential. ‘Successful’ people are not better than you! The only advantage of ‘fortunate’ people – actually, ‘luck’ is 100% self-created – is that they believe they can do it, and/or feel they do deserve it.



To change your life, change your thinking – including your thinking about you! The only thing that blocks you is your own, self-limiting belief. One easy way to increase your self-worthiness is to start the fun habit to treat others (and yourself) well every day. Being (and feeling that you are) a good person will uplift your emotions; improve your vibration, attraction & manifestation. Do good, feel good, and then enjoy more reasons to feel good!



Image: ‘Good’ spelled with wooden letters of a Scrabble game (credit: Flickr / GotCredit)


Author: Thomas Giger

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of LIFEiLOVEIT™ – Inspiration & resources to live the life you love! Working in broadcasting for over two decades, Thomas realized that his actual purpose in life is transmitting positivity. He founded to share what he's learned about personal development and collective consciousness with the world. Sign up for the free newsletter.

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